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A Short History of the Jewish People: From Legendary Times to Modern Statehood
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A Short History of the Jewish People: From Legendary Times to Modern Statehood
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Our Price: $19.99

Product Code: 6243

Raymond P. Scheindlin

Publisher: Oxford University Press

In the United States alone, 200,000 people convert to Judaism each year. Where is the Jewish faith headed, and where has it been? What is the history of this ancient yet contemporary religion?

This comprehensive but handy volume introduces us to the major geographical, cultural, and political forces that have determined the course of Jewish history. We meet here the many individuals, both religious and secular, who have shaped the character, mindset, and prospects of today's Jews across the globe. Organized chronologically, the narrative follows the Jewish experience from legendary times to the peace agreements that are currently being negotiated in the Middle East. To give his useful overview an international and timely perspective, Scheindlin focuses his study on the pivotal events and dominant communities within each historical period.

Aptly suited for reference use as well as browsing, A Short History of the Jewish People features several maps, black-and-white photos, time-lines, and sidebars. Here is a thorough yet concise survey of this unique people's history and outlook. We encounter in Scheindlin's volume the story of a people as varied and widespread as the many cultures in which they have lived, a people with ideas, intentions, and identities that are united by common origins and shared experiences.

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