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Sinai, You were there: Based on the Torah of Hagaon Ha'adir, Rav Yitzchok Hutner
Sinai, You were there: Based on the Torah of Hagaon Ha'adir, Rav Yitzchok Hutner
Our Price: $22.99
Author: Rav Yitzchok Alster
Format: Hard Cover

Product Code: 9781680259810

Sinai presents an in-depth understanding of the Sinaitic revelation that took place on Chag Hashavuos , in a new light. This light, the light from the ohr ha'ganuz (the hidden light) was originally revealed in the sifrei Maharal . After centuries of neglect, it was rekindled for the Torah world by the appearance of the famous maamarim of Hagaon Harav Yitzchok Hutner, zt'l , and recorded in his sefarim, Pachad Yitzchok . 'He was planted in this generation to bring light to the world and all who dwell in it - a new light' (From the inscription on his tombstone) Several compositions on the days of the Omer and Geirus are included.

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