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The Family Midrash Says Book of Daniel
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The Family Midrash Says Book of Daniel
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Our Price: $29.95

Product Code: 17355

"The Family Midrash Says" is a synthesis between "The Little Midrash Says" and "The Midrash Says," created in response to readers' requests for an adult interpretation of the Early Prophets.

It retains the large type, the readability and the illustrations typical of "The Little Midrash Says," while the text has been expanded to challenge the adult reader as well.

This book's first part relates the spellbinding experiences and trials of Daniel and his three friends at the royal courts of Babylonia and Persia. Challenged again and again to prove their loyalty to Hashem and his torah, their courageous response inspires us for all generations. The book's second part portrays Daniel's visions. They include a graphic description of the "four beasts" that would dominate the Jewish nation, and a panoramic preview of the Jewish people's destiny until the time of the revival of the dead. Daniel's spectacular prophecies reinforce basic concepts of our faith.

This volume is recommended for ages 14 through adult.

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