Rabbi Zalman Goldstein
Publisher: Rabbi Zalman Goldstein
A Source of Comfort and Practical Guidance for Family and Friends.
This book will guide you through the difficult times of illness and death, presenting Jewish tradition in a way that is both sensitive and instructive. Endorsed by leading rabbis, hospital chaplains, and family counselors, this all-in-one guide will help you know what to do when faced with these life-changing challenges.
Written for Jews of all backgrounds, levels of observance, and understanding, this book is a fitting companion for family and friends, including visitors at the funeral and Shiva home.
--0An overview of life, illness, and death in Jewish thought --Laws and customs for visiting the sick --Jewish perspective on end-of-life issues (e.g. living wills, organ donations, etc.) --Dealing with the last moments of life - what everyone should know --Before the funeral, at the cemetery, following burial --Mourner's Kaddish, Shiva, Shloshim, Yartzeit, and Yizkor --All necessary liturgy, including Mincha (afternoon), Maariv (evening) prayer services, and Mishnayot, along with easy-to-read English transliteration and translation --Inspirational readings and meditations
The first to include the complete MINCHA and MAARIV services, with easy-to-read English transliterations!
Softcover (8031) ISBN:1891293214