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The Torah: A Women's Commentary
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The Torah: A Women's Commentary
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Our Price: $79.95

Product Code: 9237

Tamara Cohn Eskenazi (editor), Andrea Weiss (editor)

Publisher: Urj Press

THE HISTORY: At the 39th Women of Reform Judaism Assembly in San Francisco, Cantor Sarah Sager challenged Women of Reform Judaism delegates to "imagine women feeling permitted, for the first time, feeling able, feeling legitimate in their study of Torah." WRJ accepted that challenge. The Torah: A Women's Commentarywill debut at the Union for Reform Judaism 69th Biennial Convention in San Diego in December 2007.

WRJ has commissioned the work of the world’s leading Jewish female Bible scholars, rabbis, historians, philosophers and archaeologists. Their collective efforts will result in the first comprehensive commentary, authored only by women, on the Five Books of Moses, including individual Torah portions as well as the Hebrew and English translation.

The Torah: A Women’s Commentary will finally give dimension to the women’s voices in our tradition. Under Editor Dr. Tamara Cohn Eskenazi’s skillful leadership, this commentary will provide insight and inspiration for all who study Torah: men and women, Jew and non-Jew. As Dr. Eskenazi has eloquently stated, "we want to bring the women of the Torah from the shadow into the limelight, from their silences into speech, from the margins to which they have often been relegated to the center of the page - for their sake, for our sake and for our children’s sake."

This landmark volume will be a beacon for all future Bible study. This new commentary will complement The Torah A Modern Commentary used by Progressive Jews worldwide.

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